Saturday, 17 December 2022

Trans Metro Dewata: Ikon Baru Pulau Bali

Trans Metro Dewata K2B (Krishnayana, 2022)
Transportasi umum modern telah hadir di Bali pada tahun 2011, khususnya di Denpasar Raya dengan moda transportasi berupa Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) bernama Trans Sarbagita. Diadaptasi dari TransJogja dengan ciri-ciri: medium deck, halte tinggi, headway cepat terjangkau, serta rute tetap. Beroperasi dua koridor hingga sekarang. Semula dilayani bus besar, namun pada tahun 2018 terjadi pasang-surut, sehingga terjadi perubahan sebagai berikut: semua dilayani bus medium, titik pemberangkatan dipindahkan, headway lama, hingga kurang integratif. Namun semua berubah ketika pada tahun 2020, telah hadir layanan baru bernama Teman Bus. Dengan akronim Transportasi Ekonomis Mudah Andal dan Nyaman, Teman Bus telah hadir di 10 kota di Indonesia, khususnya di Bali bernama Trans Metro Dewata. Ciri-ciri bus Trans Metro Dewata antara lain: Low-entry, Medium deck, Medium bus, dan Tap-on-bus (TOB). Kapasitas penumpang bisa sebanyak 30 penumpang. Sejak tahun 2020, Trans Metro Dewata telah melayani sebanyak lima koridor dari Tabanan, Bandara, Pelabuhan Benoa, Pantai Sanur, hingga Ubud. Informasi rute bisa anda lihat di aplikasi Teman Bus.

Peta Transportasi Umum Denpasar Raya (FDTBALI & FDTSM, 2022)

Koridor Trans Metro Dewata

Berikut daftar koridor Trans Metro Dewata:

  1. Koridor 1B (Central Parkir Kuta - Terminal Pesiapan Tabanan pp.)
  2. Koridor 2B (GOR Ngurah Rai - Bandara Ngurah Rai pp.)
  3. Koridor 3B (Terminal Ubung - Pantai Matahari Terbit pp.)
  4. Koridor 4B (Terminal Ubung - Monkey Forest Ubud pp.)
  5. Koridor 5B (Central Parkir Kuta - Pelabuhan Benoa - Terminal Kreneng - Terminal Ubung pp.)

Halte Transit

Bagi yang ingin pindah koridor (termasuk Trans Sarbagita dan Patas Sarbagita), halte-halte ini bisa menjadi acuan sebagai berikut:

Terminal Ubung

  • Trans Metro Dewata (K1B, K3B, K4B, K5B)

Central Parkir Kuta

  • Trans Metro Dewata (K1B, K2B, K5B)
  • Trans Sarbagita (TS1, TS2)
  • Patas Sarbagita (GWK)

GOR Ngurah Rai

  • Trans Metro Dewata (K2B, K5B)
  • Trans Sarbagita (TS1, TS2)
  • Patas Sarbagita (GWK, Bangli)

Pantai Matahari Terbit

  • Trans Metro Dewata (K3B, K5B)

Banjar Kayumas

  • Trans Metro Dewata (K2B, K5B)
  • Trans Sarbagita (TS1, TS2)
  • Bisa jalan kaki menuju Halte SMPN 1 Denpasar/Surapati 1 (K3B, TS1, TS2)

RSAD Udayana

  • Trans Metro Dewata (K2B, K3B)

Matahari Mall

  • Trans Metro Dewata (K2B, K3B)
  • Bisa jalan kaki menuju Halte Sudirman (TS1, TS2)


  • Trans Metro Dewata (K1B, K2B, K3B)


  • Trans Metro Dewata (K3B)
  • Trans Sarbagita (TS1, TS2)

SMPN 1 Denpasar/Surapati 1

  • Trans Metro Dewata (K3B)
  • Trans Sarbagita (TS1, TS2)
  • Bisa jalan menuju Halte Banjar Kayumas (K2B, K5B, TS1, TS2)

Kawasan Heritage Gajah Mada

  • Trans Metro Dewata (K2B, K3B)

Perum Komplek Burung

  • Trans Metro Dewata (K2B)
  • Trans Sarbagita (TS1, TS2)

Tarif dan Metode Pembayaran

Tarif Trans Metro Dewata adalah sebesar Rp4.400/flat. Bagi yang mau pindah koridor, tetap membayar lagi. Metode pembayaran yang dilayani ada dua, kartu uang elektronik (Flazz, Brizzi, TapCash, dan E-Money) dan QRIS (GoPay, Shopee Pay, Dana, OVO, dsb.).

Mitsubishi Fuso Canter FE84 GBC New Armada Citouro (Bagus Krishnayana, 2022)
Mitsubishi Fuso Canter FE84 GBC Piala Mas Rexus BTS (Bagus Krishnayana, 2022)
Isuzu Elf NQR-71 Piala Mas Rexus BTS (Bagus Krishnayana, 2022)


  • Mitsubishi Fuso Canter FE84 GBC Karoseri New Armada Citouro
  • Mitsubishi Fuso Canter FE84 GBC Karoseri Piala Mas Rexus BTS
  • Isuzu Elf NQR 71 Karoseri Piala Mas Rexus BTS

Simpulan dan Saran

Cakupan Trans Metro Dewata di kawasan metropolitan Sarbagita sudah cukup terjangkau, ditambah dengan layanan lain seperti Trans Sarbagita dan Patas Sarbagita. Dengan ukuran sedang, bus ini sangat sesuai dengan karakteristik jalanan di Bali. Headway cukup singkat kisaran 5-15 menit. Tarif cukup terjangkau. Serta audiovisual yang sangat jelas. Namun jadwal tergantung kondisi lalu lintas. Cukup mahal bila berkali-kali transit ke koridor berbeda. Sebagian besar halte tidak dilengkapi shelter dan wayfinding, bahkan kurang lengkap seperti beberapa halte di koridor 5B. Kedepannya, agar penumpang yang mau transit diberikan insentif agar tidak bayar lagi saat transit. Prasarana agar dibenahi. Serta integrasikan pembayaran dengan Trans Sarbagita. Agar penumpangnya bahagia.

Dengan kehadiran Trans Metro Dewata, sekaligus menjadikannya ikon baru Pulau Bali, karena juga menjangkau kawasan pariwisata.

Sekian tulisan saya tentang Trans Metro Dewata. Terima kasih telah membaca blog saya!

Monday, 23 August 2021

Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia: Pengalaman Berkunjung ke Perpustakaan Tertinggi di Dunia

Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia (dokumentasi pribadi, 2020)
Disclaimer: Tulisan ini berdasarkan pengalaman saya berkunjung ke Perpusnas pada awal Januari 2020 lalu, tepat 3 bulan sebelum pandemi.

Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia (atau lebih populer disebut Perpusnas) merupakan perpustakaan terbesar dan tertinggi di Indonesia, dan juga tertinggi di dunia dengan tinggi bangunan 127 meter. Perpustakaan ini terletak strategis di selatan kawasan Monumen Nasional yang merupakan ikon dari DKI Jakarta dan juga merupakan etalase Indonesia. Perpustakaan ini memiliki 24 lantai, tentu fungsinya berbeda-beda. Mulai dari lantai 1 sampai dengan 4 adalah ruangan lobby, terdapat pula ruang loker untuk menyimpan tas pribadi anda, ruang tata usaha/koperasi, kantin, pameran, serta ruang administrasi untuk pendaftaran sebagai anggota Perpusnas. Sebelum memasuki gedung utama, saya memasuki gedung Perpustakaan Nasional yang merupakan Cagar Budaya. Desain bangunan depan bernuansa Indis.

Pada saat memasuki kawasan Perpusnas, barang bawaan dan saya juga diperiksa melalui metal detector. Pada bangunan bernuansa Indis ini difungsikan sebagai museum sejarah perpustakaan. Salah satu koleksinya yaitu sepeda pustaka.

Sepeda Pustaka (dokumentasi pribadi, 2020)

Sudut lain ruang pameran di Perpusnas (dokumentasi pribadi, 2020)

Instalasi-instalasi di gedung Cagar Budaya (dokumentasi pribadi, 2020)

Memasuki gedung utama, dijumpai dengan rak buku yang besar, lalu ada instalasi bertema pahlawan nasional beserta presiden Jokowi. Sebelum menuju ruangan perpus maupun audiovisual, manuskrip, dsb. bisa menuju ke ruang administrasi untuk mendaftarkan diri sebagai anggota Perpusnas. Di ruang loker, bisa menitipkan barang terlebih dahulu sebelum menuju ke ruang perpustakaan di atasnya. Saya menuju ke lantai 21-22, merupakan ruang perpustakaan umum. Sementara itu di lantai 24 yang notabene lantai tertinggi adalah ruang Nusantara. Koleksi buku dari 34 provinsi ada di lantai ini. Untuk memasuki ruangan tersebut, siapkan selalu kartu tanda anggota Perpusnas. Di lantai ini pula terdapat balkon yang menghadap ke Monas.

Bagian fasad gedung utama Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia (dokumentasi pribadi, 2020)

Bagian lobi Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia (dokumentasi pribadi, 2020)

Berbicara tentang aksesibilitas menuju ke Perpusnas, bisa diakses melalui TransJakarta Koridor 2 (Harmoni-Pulogadung), halte terdekat pada saat menuju Perpusnas berada tepat di depannya, yaitu halte Balaikota. Tinggal menyeberang melalui pelican crossing. Setelah meninggalkan Perpusnas, anda bisa kembali ke halte Balaikota bila tujuannya ke arah timur. Bila ingin ke arah Thamrin, bisa berjalan kaki ke halte Bank Indonesia.

Di atas halte Bank Indonesia, sekarang telah dibongkar dan dibuat halte sementara dalam rangka pembangunan jalur MRT fase 2A (dokumentasi pribadi, 2020)

Mungkin sebagian dari kalian yang membaca ini tidak sabar ingin ke Perpusnas lagi mengingat PPKM Level 3-4 membuat kalian tidak bisa mengunjungi Perpusnas karena tutup. Semoga lekas dibuka kembali ya jika keadaan sudah berangsur normal. Kalau bukan kita, siapa lagi yang bisa lawan COVID-19?


Terima kasih kepada yang sudah membaca blog ini!

Friday, 20 August 2021

MRT Jakarta: The Rapid Transit System That Changed Jakarta

MRT Jakarta train called "Ratangga" built by Nippon Sharyo (own documentation, 2020)
Previously, I posted a blog about Commuterline. Like what I said before, I will tell this story in this blog about MRT Jakarta. MRT Jakarta is a mass rapid transit (moda raya terpadu) system that linked Lebak Bulus Grab station to Bundaran HI station with stopover at Fatmawati, Cipete Raya, Haji Nawi, Blok A, Blok M BCA, ASEAN, Senayan, Istora Mandiri, Bendungan Hilir, Setiabudi Astra, and Dukuh Atas BNI station. It will extend to Kota station which still under construction until the opening at around 2024-2025.

Lebak Bulus Grab Station (own documentation, 2020)
At Tuesday 7th January, I went to Lebak Bulus Grab station by online bike taxi from South Tangerang. I travelled to Bundaran HI station to catch a bus to Mandiri Museum. The train is completely clean and the station also clean. It has many gates for e-money, so I brought my bank-issued e-money card to buy a ticket by tapping in at the first station and tapping out when arrived at another station. It has platform screen doors which opened when the train stops, and it closes when the train was ready for departure. The train that manufactured by Nippon Sharyo had its own name, they called it "Ratangga", but colloqually called MRTJ 1000 series. It has 6 cars and up to around 1.950 passengers. It had 4 doors each side. After the ASEAN station, the train entered the underground tunnel, due to 6 remaining stations are located underground. After I'd arrived Bundaran HI Station, I continued my journey to Kota Tua by bus.

The Interior of MRTJ 1000 series (own documentation, 2020)

After I came from Kota Tua, I went to Dukuh Atas Station via Bundaran HI Station to transfer from MRT Jakarta to Commuterline to go back to South Tangerang.
I coincidentally saw an automotive YouTuber, Fitra Eri next door when I went to Dukuh Atas Station.

Blok M Plaza, connected to Blok M Station (own documentation, 2020)

At Thursday 9th January, I went to Blok M by bus. Then, I realised that the bus didn't stop below the MRT Station, instead stopping at Blok M Terminal. I Thought I would be lost at the terminal, but managed to go out of the Terminal to go to Blok M Plaza. Thankfully, Blok M Plaza is connected with the MRT Station, so I can go to Dukuh Atas Station from Blok M Station. For me, Dukuh Atas Station is a gateway to the center of Jakarta, so we can ride Commuterline, TransJakarta, MetroTrans, MRT Jakarta, and KA Bandara Airport Train.

The entrance to Dukuh Atas Station (own documentation, 2020)

This is my experience about riding an MRT Jakarta in Jakarta. How about your experience? Let me know by leaving your comments!
If you want to travel around Jakarta, just ride public transportation to ease traffic burden!
Thank you for reading my blog!

Wednesday, 22 January 2020

Commuterline: The Easiest Way To Go Around Jabodetabek

A JR 205 series commuter train that originated from Japan now in service with PT. Kereta Commuter Indonesia (own documentation and edited, 2020)
Jakarta, a city with diverse culture blended here with its satellite cities such as Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, South Tangerang, and Bekasi. Millions were worked here and they don't want being trapped in a traffic jam. One solution that prevent them trapped is by commuter train.
The most iconic place in Jakarta, Bundaran HI (own documentation and edited, 2020)
Commuter train (officialy PT. Kereta Commuterline Indonesia) is a public transport system that connects between Jakarta and the satellite cities that I mentioned before. It has 6 lines, such as Red Line (Bogor-Jakarta Kota), Loop Line (Bogor/Nambo-Jatinegara), Green Line (Rangkasbitung-Tanahabang), Brown Line (Tangerang-Duri), Blue Line (Cikarang-Jakarta Kota), and Pink Line (Jakarta Kota-Tanjung Priok). This is the most extensive rail system in Indonesia, and near fully-integrated with BRT and MRT services, and also linked to the Soekarno-Hatta Airport by Railink. I took commuter train for the first time was in late 2008 from Bogor to Gambir.
Tanahabang Station (own documentation, 2020)
First of all, I came to Jakarta (but not really Jakarta, actually came to Bogor first and then South Tangerang) after new year 2020. Then, I took a first glimpse of South Tangerang where it has good record for managing a city (fifth most livable city in Indonesia after Surakarta, Palembang, Balikpapan, and my hometown Denpasar). It has numerous train stations like Pondok Ranji, Jurangmangu, Sudimara, Rawa Buntu, and Serpong. At January 7th, I came to Jakarta by online motorcycle taxi, I went to Lebak Bulus MRT Station for my journey to the center of Jakarta (I will continue this story about MRT in my next blog).

After my journey ends, I went to Jurangmangu via Tanahabang from Sudirman by commuter train. I activated my bank-issued e-money card for my commuter trip to go around Jabodetabek. The price depends how far I go. The station is clean and the train is also clean too. Well, I love this type of transportation! Even packed with other people, It also very safe for commuting. I love it!
Inside a commuter train (own documentation, 2020)
This is me at the commuter train that depart for Jurangmangu via Tanahabang (own documentation, 2020)
The next day, I went to Jakarta from Jurangmangu station leaving for Sudirman station via Tanahabang station. At that time, more people are going to Jakarta by train. And after my second journey, I went to Sudimara station. But after I went out from station, there are no sidewalk, and there just asphalt. For me, It's pretty unpleasant for pedestrians.

For the next day, I decided that Sudimara station as a starting point, and Jurangmangu station as an ending point. And the another day, Jurangmangu is both a starting and ending point when I went to Cikini station.
Cikini Station route map (own documentation, 2020)
Okay, that's my 4-day trip by commuter train. Recently, there's a news about Light Rail Transit will be built in Bali by 2022 to ease traffic at the airport. I'd love too, but it would be better if it builds underground inline of Ngurah Rai street.

Matur suksma, ngiring nyepur dumun!

Wednesday, 5 June 2019

Third Trip to Yogyakarta by Express Train

A Wisdom Park (Taman Kearifan) within Gadjah Mada University (Bagus Krishnayana, 2019-05-02)


I love flying by aircraft. But I wanna go around by public transport such as express train. Why? Because aircraft is too boring for me, and also it's too expensive to go around it, especially Yogyakarta. So, when I had appointment in Yogyakarta at Labour Day ago (May 1st to 3rd), most recently, a study excursion at Gadjah Mada University to commemorate a National Education Day every May 2nd, I used types of public transportation such as express train, buses, and ro-ro ferry, and taxis.

May 1st, Departure

At midnight, May 1st, I went to my college by car. Because Bali has no railway system, I took a bus from my college at Denpasar to Gilimanuk Harbour with my friends. Then, I disembarked from bus, I walked through a ticket booth which must pay with prepaid IC card (such as e-money, flazz, and etc.) at the harbour. I walked to take a ro-ro ferry to cross the Bali Strait to the island of Java. The destination was Ketapang Harbour at Banyuwangi Regency, East Java Province. This harbour is adjacent next to a train station, the southeasternmost in Asia, the Banyuwangi Baru Station (New Banyuwangi Station).

Somewhere at Jembrana Regency when going to Gilimanuk Harbour (Bagus Krishnayana, 2019-05-01)
A ro-ro ferry at Gilimanuk Harbour (Bagus Krishnayana, 2019-05-01)
I walked from the harbour to a train station. I checked in my ticket and so as my friends to do so. Then, at 6.30 in the morning at local time (UTC +7), I and my friends were onboard the train and departed. I took a train named "KA Sritanjung" from Banyuwangi to Yogyakarta-Lempuyangan with stops at several stations such as Karangasem, Rogojampi, Temuguruh, Kalisetail, Kalisat, Probolinggo, Pasuruan, Bangil, Sidoarjo, Wonokromo, Surabaya-Gubeng, Mojokerto, Kertosono, Nganjuk, Caruban, Madiun, Barat, Paron, Walikukun, Sragen, Solo (Jebres or Balapan or Purwosari?), Klaten, and finally Yogyakarta Lempuyangan (I didn't remembered any several stations that I passed or stopped). In the afternoon, I ate nasi goreng as my lunch during the trip, and in the evening, I ate nasi krengsengan daging as my dinner in a dining car. During the trip by train, I often took a picture of any landscapes of the island, such as mountains, train stations, roads, rice paddies, and also an enormous mud reservoir. I spotted an archaeological object too, a Candi Gunung Gangsir that adjacent to the rail line at Bangil, Pasuruan. And at about 19.25 in the evening, The train arrived at Yogyakarta-Lempuyangan Station. Then, I and my friends took a taxi to the hotel at Seturan Street, Caturtunggal, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta SR. I and my friends were at the hotel and sleep.
Banyuwangi Baru Station in the Morning (Bagus Krishnayana, 2019-05-01)
At Wonokromo Level Crossing, Surabaya, East Java (Bagus Krishnayana, 2019-05-01)
At Yogyakarta-Lempuyangan Station, Yogyakarta City, Yogyakarta SR (Bagus Krishnayana, 2019-05-01)
Inside an Express Train "KA Sritanjung" towards Yogyakarta-Lempuyangan (Bagus Krishnayana, 2019-05-01)

May 2nd, Excursion during Commemoration of National Education Day

The next morning, I and my friends took a taxi to Gadjah Mada University to attend a study excursion. This is my first glance as a visitor at that university. A vast, with several faculties, and had a most integrated library in that university. I visited Faculty of Humanities instead of Cultural Studies and Media for study excursion (It's because we are postgraduate students, a Cultural Studies within a faculty in Udayana University). After the excursion, I and my friends visited a library. I'm astonished by a well managed, most integrated, and a very complete collection of books, thesis, dissertation, and etc. In the end, I and my friends returned to the hotel and went anywhere at Yogyakarta City.
Me at the Hotel with Mount Merapi Background at Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta SR (Bagus Krishnayana, 2019-05-02)
This is Us! Cultural Studies Postgraduate Udayana Students (Bagus Krishnayana, 2019-05-02)
Some of Us (Bagus Krishnayana, 2019-05-02)
Me at Gadjah Mada University's Library (Bagus Krishnayana, 2019-05-02)

May 3rd, Scrambled to Return to Bali

The next day, I and my several friends returned on their own. Some returned by train or remained in Yogyakarta until sunday. I returned with some friends to Bali overnight by bus, an "elephant of Temanggung" (Safari Dharma Raya - OBL).
Tugu Pal Putih at Yogyakarta City (Bagus Krishnayana, 2019-05-03)
Me and My Friends Before Return to Bali at Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta SR (Calvin Damas Emil, 2019-05-03)
Safely Arrived at Mengwi Bus Terminal, Bali (Bagus Krishnayana, 2019-05-04)

Okay, that's the end of my journey with my friends at Cultural Studies of Udayana University. This is my best experience of my life, because riding a train makes me feel happy and exhilarating. Someday, I will return to Yogyakarta in the future.

Matur suksma. Ngiring cingakin blog tiyang.

Mang Bagus

Sunday, 16 December 2018

More Luck at D'JaFU 7th 幸運な祭り

One of performances at D'JaFU 7th (own documentation, November 2018)
D'JaFU (acronym of The Japan Festival of Udayana) is an annual event of Japanese festival that presented by students of Japanese Literature Department (Nibunkaseikai), Faculty of Humanities of Udayana University. The event held for the first time at RRI Radio Station Denpasar in 2012. Then in 2013 onwards, the event held at Taman Budaya Kertalangu near Tohpati, Denpasar. 

This year is a very special year to hold D'JaFU. It's 7th year of this event and also to commemorate 60th anniversary of diplomatic ties between Japan and Indonesia. The main theme of D'JaFU 7th is 幸運な祭り (Kouun na Matsuri) which means "Festival of Luck". So, the thing about the main theme is "create your moment, find your luck".

This is my 6th visit to D'JaFU, the first one is in 2013 (D'JaFU 2nd), where I met my Japanese Literature friends for the first time besides from my student orientation group (some from Japanese Literature) when I met again there. In that time, it's unfamiliar to me and shocked, because I saw nearly everyone wearing costume from many anime characters, such as Naruto, Sasuke, Ruffy, and etc. They called it, cosplay. And then, It's usual for me.

There's also many booths, such as Yukata booth and Obake booth. Yukata (浴衣) booth is a place where visitors can wear Japanese outfit, Yukata. In fact, Yukata was made of cotton for summer season only and suitable for tropical regions like Indonesia. Kimono was made of silk, so it's suitable in a cold region with four seasons like Japan. In 2017, not just Yukatas to be tried, but also other outfits and additional props (example below). Obake (おばけ) booth is a place for thrill seekers, where the place fill with "ghosts".
Me at Yukata booth. Well look alike "Beat Takeshi", isn't it? (own documentation, November 2017)

I've tried both of them, but not both in one event. I've tried wearing Yukata in 2013, 2015, and 2017. And entering Obake in 2014 and 2018. The other booths are merchandises and foods and beverages. Recently, I ate one of my favourite food, especially Katsu, a Japanese chicken cutlet in one complete pack fill with rice and salad.

Shooting Stars performance at D'JaFU 7th (own documentation, November 2018)
Yosakoi and Taiko performance at D'JaFU 7th (own documentation, November 2018)
In an evening, there are very spectacular performances, such as Aikido, Taiko, Shooting Stars, Yosakoi, and different guest stars every year, especially Hiroaki Kato in 2016. Last but not least, the ultimate ever, that makes me very happy and ever go back to D'JaFU, is Hanabi! Hanabi, the fireworks show that popular in summer, and it's a sign that the festival wrapped up in the night.

Hanabi at D'JaFU 7th (own documentation, November 2018)


One that makes me feel not lonely is my older sister, always came there in an evening. She came to D'JaFU in 2013, 2014, and 2016. But in 2018, I felt lonely again, because my sister had been moved to Jakarta in mid-2018. I hope we can do together again when in Bali or in Jakarta (especially Blok M and/or C3 AFA at Kemayoran).

So, in 2019 should I go to D'JaFU again? Let's find out later!


Thursday, 1 November 2018

Part I: Historical, Recreational and Pilgrimage Trip to Jakarta and Bogor

Selamat Datang Monument at Central Jakarta (own documentation, April 2018).
Prior this trip, I went to the airport that very pitch black morning before sunrise. It was 4 AM. I met my friend who graduated from Japanese Literature, worked at Batik Air (and I said "have a nice work and goodbye!"). My flight was a Citilink Airbus A320 equiped with "sharklets" from Bali (DPS) to the airport which was something new for us, yeah... Halim Perdanakusuma Airport (HLP) that located inside the City of Jakarta. The time had moved 1 hour backward.
Jakarta is a capital of the Republic of Indonesia. It consisted 5 administrative cities and 1 administrative regency. Surrounded by Depok (West Java), South Tangerang (Banten), Tangerang (Banten), Bekasi (West Java), Bogor and its regency (West Java), Jakarta is a largest metropolitan around Indonesia, also the one of largest in the world. It called "Jabodetabek".
Airbus A320 "Sharklet" at Ngurah Rai International Airport, Bali (own documentation, April 2018)
The flight lasted approximately one and half hour (1h30min). For me, this was a first time I went to Halim. I usually landed at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport for many times (early 2000s, 2007, 2008, 2011, and 2012). But Halim is something new to me. From the information that I read, Halim opened for passenger flights recently to ease congestion at Soekarno-Hatta Airport.
Me at Halim Perdanakusuma Airport, Jakarta SCR (own documentation, April 2018)
I'd arrived at Halim, then I took a tourist bus for TMII (Taman Mini Indonesia Indah). The tour guide explained that the Halim Perdanakusama Airport is an airport with much history, dated from early 1900s as an airstrip, as well as much military operations during New Order Era. During that trip, I was shocked by the development of Jakarta, such as transportation and infrastructure development. I saw very tall under-constructed LRT lines and also double-decker buses. The developments still underway to ease congestion at the city, also to change their habits for commuting.
When I arrived TMII, I took a cable car round trip, to see a mini-Indonesia from above. "Hey! There's a Bali island! Beautiful isn't it?!". 7 years ago, I took the aeromovel at that same location to go around TMII. TMII Consisted 33 provincial pavillions (excluding the North Kalimantan soon to be opened), 14 museums, Technological Centre, 10 parks, and several religious buildings of 6 recognised religions.
The cable car system at TMII (own documentation, April 2018)
After that, I had a breakfast there because it's too early to take lunch. Well, it's a very long day to live there. To tackle this, I walked around TMII area and I met numbers of street cats. Cats in TMII was very friendly than street cats in Bali, they just escape when I encountered them. But in Jakarta, they didn't escape at all, they want to be petted.
After that, it's a lunch time. I went back to the bus and went to somewhere. I've lunch in a building with Betawi Architecture. After I have lunch, I went to the castle, theres much art-related relics especially wayangs and gamelans. 
The castle at TMII (own documentation, April 2018)
I left TMII for city tour at Central Jakarta, especially Selamat Datang monument in a so called "Bundaran HI" (pictured far above), because it is adjacent to the Hotel Indonesia (now Kempinski and Grand Indonesia). I took a lot of pictures, especially high rise buildings, roads, as well as types of transportation such as Transjakarta buses, three-wheeled Bajaj, low buses, double-decker buses, mikrolets, and etc. I saw Monas from distance, flowing thru streets of Central Jakarta, until stopped at ITC Mangga Dua for shopping (but not that much). It reminds me at many large markets around Bali, maybe in the middle between market and shopping mall.
Double decker bus at Central Jakarta (own documentation, April 2018)
Then, I checked in at one of accomodation at Mangga Dua Square to take a rest until dinner.
So, I wrapped up this trip. I will explain about the next day recreational and pilgrimage trip in another episode.
See you next episode...